Travel to all seven continents and the oceans, too, with an energetic yoga sequence set to an irresistible original song. Sweet illustrations guide children into more than a dozen yoga poses, some mimicking a distinctive animal from each global region, others paired with modes of transportation to connect them all. Written by a children’s yoga expert, the playful story concludes with step-by-step instructions for each yoga pose and a world map with a fun fact about each animal. Includes audio and animation. Written and sung by black yoga expert Jamaica Stevens.
Product Dimensions: 10 x 9.75 inches
Page Count: 32 pages
Age Range: Ages 3-7 years
Leveling: J / 1
Grade Level: PreK - 2
“Playful short prose and active verbs keep the pace humming right along in this age-appropriate yoga exploration. Energetic poses are interspersed with more mindful deep stretches. Bright, bold, and colorful illustrations using hand carved stamps and digital techniques center a friendly, diverse group of children, of all body shapes and abilities” – The School Library Journal